
Monitor dan Kontrol Supply Chain Proses.

Otimisasi bisnis Anda dengan mengambil kendali pada proses supply chain Anda. Kendalikan stok, produksi, dan proses yang ada untuk peningkatan Sales lebih baik.

Akses semua fitur, tanpa kartu kredit.

Dipercaya oleh 1600+ brand lokal di Indonesia

Terintegrasi dan Berkembang bersama Rekap.Praktis

Mudahkan pembuatan Laporan Anda melalui input data manual di Template yang tersedia, sambungkan Plug-in dan otomasi melalui Integrasi dengan aplikasi lain.

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Database Aplikasi
  • Google Platform
  • API Aplikasi


Jumlah Industry Report Template


Jumlah Clients


Jumlah Report created

Template Industri yang tersedia

1. Customer Service & Support

Fingerprint devices often to produce high-resolution images, improving accuracy of a matching process.

2. Customer Journey Mapping

Visual representation of the customer’s interactions with the brand across various touchpoints.

3. Training & Engagement

Trains employees to deliver exceptional customer experiences and fosters a customer-centric culture.

4. Analytics & Insights

Utilizes data analytics to track and measure key performance related to customer experience.

5. Loyalty Programs

Develops and manages customer loyalty programs to reward and retain customers.

Account Manager

Pendampingan Account Manager untuk terus mengembangkan dan mengerti apa yang menjadi permasalahan bisnis Anda.

  • Monitor performance & quality
  • Memastikan Analisa dan Report
  • Bekerja bersama dan memberikan solusi

Suara dari Kustomer Rekap Praktis

Great results enjoyable to the works with & most importanly enabled us to the presence on the website needed conduct business.

Derrick Turner


I am a would need more details to a provide relevant informatio business clients' reviews are feedback from in a individuals or companies.

Wellim Selith

Web Developer

It’s an all-in-one solution to that the has turbocharged the growth. The lead generation & capbilities. our partner & result spesk.

Semits Johan

Web Developer

Great results enjoyable to the works with & most importanly enabled us to the presence on the website needed conduct business.

Derrick Turner


I am a would need more details to a provide relevant informatio business clients' reviews are feedback from in a individuals or companies.

Wellim Selith

Web Developer

Great results enjoyable to the works with & most importanly enabled us to the presence on the website needed conduct business.

Derrick Turner


I am a would need more details to a provide relevant informatio business clients' reviews are feedback from in a individuals or companies.

Wellim Selith

Web Developer

It’s an all-in-one solution to that the has turbocharged the growth. The lead generation & capbilities. our partner & result spesk.

Semits Johan

Web Developer

Great results enjoyable to the works with & most importanly enabled us to the presence on the website needed conduct business.

Derrick Turner


I am a would need more details to a provide relevant informatio business clients' reviews are feedback from in a individuals or companies.

Wellim Selith

Web Developer

Great results enjoyable to the works with & most importanly enabled us to the presence on the website needed conduct business.

Derrick Turner


Rangkuman Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

What everybody ought to knoe about digital?

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

How do you approach strategic planning

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

Is there a guaranteed result?

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

What services does Sofax provide?

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

Is full outsourcing profitable?

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

What is a strategic to block?

Take a trivial example which undertakes laborious physical a exercise except to obtain some advantage pleasure.

Daftar Sekarang!

Hubungi kami sekarang untuk memulai perjalanan Supply Chain terbaik Anda

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